Education Review Office (ERO) Final Report ERO visited our school in week 1 of Term Two (2019) and we have now received their final report. ERO previously visited in 2014 and at that time had a system which indicated a time-frame in which they would revisit a school. In March of this year ERO implemented a new system and no longer indicate a time-frame of return visits. ERO commented on the continued progress toward achieving excellent outcomes for all students and that most children achieve ‘at’ or ‘above’ expected curriculum levels in reading, writing and mathematics with student achievement lifting over time. Our Maori students have shown sustained achievement in literacy and mathematics while our small cohort of second language Pasifika children fared less well. ERO noted that the school has good systems and processes in place to identify, track and monitor the progress of children who need to make accelerated progress and is committed to building staff capacity in accelerating progress and learning. Key school practices that are supporting achievement of excellence and equity include well-coordinated leadership and growing teacher collaboration and capability. St Thomas’s School learning community is characterised by high expectation and respect and our responsive curriculum promotes students to take more ownership of their learning. It was noted that school leaders have been active in contributing to the wider educational community which means leaders and teachers have access to a wide range of professional learning to respond to students’ diverse needs. The Board and Senior Leaders use good quality information to inform their decision making and a coherent strategic plan is in place while accessing the New Zealand School Trustees Association has strengthened the Boards stewardship role. Going forward ERO noted that St Thomas’s School is ‘well placed’ for success and noted that the school can draw on existing strengths in: The principal’s inclusive approach to building collaborative leadership that promotes high expectations and a culture of professional learning.
- The principal’s inclusive approach to building collaborative leadership that promotes high expectations and a culture of professional learning.
- Teaching and learning strategies that enable students to lead their own learning.
They also noted the priorities for further development are in:
- Board training to strengthen stewardship.
- Continuing to build leadership capability at all levels to support the school’s achievement of parity for its Pasifika students.
- Strengthening teachers’ analysis and use of assessment information.
- Extending the use of effective teaching strategies that accelerate student progress and learning.
I would like to acknowledge and thank all our staff for their commitment and energy which they bring to St Thomas’s School community which makes this the wonderful school that it is.