Announcement : 

Policies & Procedures

St Thomas’s School will comply with all general legislation and regulations concerning requirements for the operation of the school. If you have any queries about school policies and procedures you may also contact the school office.


Policies are part of the Governance role of the BOT and are reviewed on a 3 year cycle or as legislation or needs arise.

Animal Welfare Policy

Asset Protection Policy

Attendance Policy

Bring Your Own Device Policy

Bullying Policy

Camera Surveillance Policy

Child Protection Policy

Community Conduct Expectations Policy

Credit Card Policy

Curriculum Programme Policy

Dealing with Persistent or Vexatious Complaints_Harassment in School Policy

Delegated Authority Policy

Discretionary Leave Policy

Drugs and Alcohol Policy

Enrolment Policy

Entertainment Policy

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Financial Planning & Condition Policy

Food Safety Policy

Formal Complaints Policy

Gift Policy 

Healthy Foods and Drinks Policy

International Students Policy

International Students – Accomodation Policy for International Fee Paying Students Policy

International Students – Grievance Procedures for International Students Policy

International Students – Medical and Travel Insurance Policy for International Fee Paying Students Policy

International Students – On-going monitoring of Code of Practice Requirements for International Students Policy

International Students – Refund Policy

International Student Welfare and Safety Policy

Investigate a Formal Complaint or Serious Allegation Policy

New Entrant Classification Policy

Off at the Gate Cell Phone Policy

Parental Concerns Policy

Performance Management Policy

Privacy Policy

Property Management Policy

Reducing Student Distress and Use of Physical Restraint Policy

Reporting on Student Progress Policy

Safety and Security on the School Premises Policy

School Camp_EOTC policy

School Donation Policy

School Events & Professional Development Policy

Smoke and Vape Free Environment Policy

Staff Wellbeing Policy

Sun Smart Policy

Suspension of Students Policy

Te Tiriti o Waitangi Policy

Theft and Fraud Prevention Policy

Travel Policy

Uniform Policy

Wheels Policy



Procedures are the Management Guidelines that are linked to our BOT policies. These are the way we manage procedures within the school and are reviewed and changed to meet the needs of teachers, children, and changes to policies.

Appointment Procedure

Alcohol on School Property

All Visitors to the School Procedure

Child Protection Procedures

Digital Technologies – Student Use Agreement

Evacuation Procedures

First Aid and First Aid Supplies Procedure

Handling Food Procedure

Harrassment Complaints Procedure

Uniform Procedure

Parental Concerns Procedure

Protected Disclosure